February 2025
Recent Example of Success (RELOC)
Currently assisting a hog farmer in Kalona, IA who had a need to pay off a high interest (15%) machinery loan. We were able to work with the bank to structure a large revolving line of credit (RELOC) that pays off his existing debt and provides for enough un-tapped credit to help him “bridge the gap” in his seasonal manure hauling income.
The product offering is a 10-year term, revolving line of credit secured by a first mortgage of ag real estate.
Interest only
The loan rate will be fixed for five (5) years, based on the rate sheet at the time of approval, then will automatically adjust annually with a NOTE RATE of Prime plus 1.50% on the loan anniversary date.
In years 6 through 10, the rate will adjust annually
Interest shall be billed semi-annually
Open Prepayment
Information Needed / Credit Approval Process
Tax Returns - minimum of the last 3 years
Balance Sheet - current, market value within 90 days for all applicants.
Credit Report - dates within 90 days
~ Build a relationship with your lender – Beyond increasing your access to capital when it’s needed, another benefit of using a line of credit is building a strong relationship with your lender. At renewal time, your annual meeting with your lender can deepen the understand of your operation and borrowing needs. Establishing a foundation of trust between borrower and lender can make all the difference when unexpected challenges arise.